Saturday, December 03, 2005

Living on Light

I was prompted to look up information about a phenomena I really didn't know existed... There are people, called "breatharians", who live without taking in physical nourishment. They live on "light"... God's light, to be specific. For more information: or
It is so wonderful to live in a world where I can't possibly know all that exists. There is always something new and exciting for mental and spiritual fodder. Weight gain is always a struggle for Danielle and Sarah. Sarah, in particular, is very thin at present. Perhaps rather than worrying and fretting I can just trust God and send her light. Parenting seems to be a fine balance of leading them in the right direction and respecting their own path. Most of the time, I'm never certain I'm doing it correctly! I read the article about "Buddha Boy". If I was Buddha Boy's mom, he wouldn't be in the woods meditating. I would have to tell him, "Get your butt in this house and eat some dinner." The God that I know is more practical in his relationship with me.

Sarah is still on I.V. meds. The picture of the little girl on the tire swing is Sarah. This was taken on Thanksgiving Day. I absolutely love this picture because it captures the essence of Sarah completely. As of last Monday, she is doing much better and will have her I.V. removed this coming Monday. Danielle has begun having problems again too. The doctor gave us one week to see if oral antibiotics, increased vest therapy, and more breathing treatments help her to get well. If her lung functions aren't back up by Monday, she will need to be hospitalized again. She seems better now, so we are hoping for a good report on Monday. Surely if God's light can make a body run with no food, It can make lungs function as they are supposed to!

The picture of the teen-aged girl and boy is Danielle with her boyfriend, Garrett. We have moved into the realm of "teenagerhood" and I'm not sure when this happened. Dan is constantly on the phone, instant-messaging, or text-messaging. I'm learning the being a teen-ager triggers some innate need for heightened communication.

Drywall was delivered on Thursday. This drywall was donated to us by a wonderful church group. Dave established this connection through someone he works with at school. It is so humbling to be the recipient of God's grace in such a real, material way. I was watching a special news program last night about Hurricane Katrina. One of the groups helping is called, "Christ in Action"... I thought, "That is an appropriate name for each of the volunteers who have come." Without a doubt I have experienced first-hand the Love of God through so many people. I have a wonderful vision of how my new rebuilt home will look and I have absolute faith that it will manifest. I haven't had time to make phone calls like I need to, and yet, we continue to receive miraculous blessings each week.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Thanks for giving an update on the girls. I will continue to pray that the IV medications will take hold and that weight gain and better health will follow.

Do your girls handle milk pretty well? I try to drink an Instant Breakfast each day (they're much tastier than Scandishake or Ensure) and have lots of vitamins.

Have a blessed holiday season! <><