Monday, November 21, 2005

The Snow Globe Effect

This is my first attempt at "blogging"... But, because I am often consumed with my own self importance, I thought it would be interesting to share my recent experiences with others. Life is an interesting process right now and recovering from Hurricane Katrina has proven to be quite an adventure. Things seem to be falling into place, however, and I have a deep and abiding sense that things are going to work out exactly as they are supposed to... People have been absolutely incredible in helping our efforts to rebuild. Some materials have been donated like drywall, insulation and electrical outlets. We are eternally grateful. It is amazing to see that just when the financial need seems overwhelming, some extra help comes through for us. I can only attribute this to Divine Grace. A wonderful group of church members from Savannah, GA came to help us clean out our home. Another friend helped us have our home air quality tested... My ex-in-laws had friends that held a silent auction on our behalf. I am humbled in the midst of the genuine compassion and goodness that we have experienced. Here is a photo of the kitchen we returned home to after Katrina. We got over five feet of water in the house. My husband Dave described it as the "snow globe effect". I will post more photos as I get the hang of this and throughout the rebuilding process. Love and Light to all who read this... Namaste'. ~Christy

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